Chatbots and Automations

Engage your customers in conversation - without chatting yourself.

Automate parts of your chats or run a bot at 100 %. Whatever suits your business - we have it.
  • Einfache Bot Flows
  • Ready-to-go Bots – Terminbuchungsbot
  • 100 % individuell – Freitext Bots
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Chatbots & Automations
Automations simplify your everyday work

What happens in the first 30 seconds of your chat?

The individual ChatWerk bot manager

Conversation Starter

Businesses want bots and automation.
Customers want to chat with employees.

Our individual bot manager is the ideal combination of these two needs. It welcomes the customer and directs them down different paths, from simple redirects to complex FAQ bots.

Test the bot manager live >

Simple bot flows

Simple but strong

Conversation starters are ideal for directing customers directly into frequently requested processes or for pre-qualification.
Not everything needs an extensive bot, sometimes a simple reply or redirect will do.
Save you and your employees valuable time and map your forwarding with our bot manager.

Book a free demo >

You know your processes and want more?

Campaigns & Workflows

You know what you need? Let’s go!

If you know your processes inside out and would like to guide customers through the chat using a guide, then our campaigns & workflows are just right for you.

  • decision trees
  • Newsletter Sign up
  • reminder services and much more
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Free-text bots

Knowledge bases and free chats

Your company is ready for free text bots and you are ready to build a knowledge database? Then use our integration with Botario. AI-based chatbots for large corporations and tech-savvy medium-sized companies.

Our free-text bots are well suited for health insurance companies, insurance companies, energy suppliers, banks, and all companies with fixed processes that, for example, want to become more efficient.


We love automations, but there’s a good reason for real-time chat too.


Just want to chat?

We understand if you and your team would rather answer the chats entirely yourself, but aren’t always available immediately.
With us you get welcome messages and simple reactions during and outside of your business hours to greet customers and give them the information they need.
Autoresponders are like answering machines, only for messengers and smarter.

Appointment bot

No time for concepts but for new leads?

By the way, we have also prepared ready-to-go bots like the appointment booking bot for you. Simply link to the calendar, select free periods and off you go.

E-Mail is history,

messenger newsletters ensure better conversions

More about the newsletter